Tennis major Pancho Segura dies at 96

"I taught myself the method to play," Segura told ESPN in 2009. Segura went on to beat the NCAA singles championship 3 consecutive years, from 1943 to 1945. "major eyes, major hands, major under Stress. "You are trying to draw a short ball Extremely you could attack," Segura told ESPN. Pro Tennis Championships singles title from 1950 to 1952 & the U.S.

Sports break news roundup, Compiled Nov. 19: Tennis champ Pancho Segura dies at age 96

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Sports news roundup, Compiled Nov. 19: Tennis champ Pancho Segura dies at age 96

Tennis major Pancho Segura dies at 96; coached Jimmy Connors

as informed in "I taught myself the method to play," Segura told ESPN in 2009. Segura went on to beat the NCAA singles championship 3 years in a row, from 1943 to 1945. "major eyes, major hands, major under Stress. "You are trying to draw a short ball Extremely you could attack," Segura told ESPN. Pro Tennis Championships singles title from 1950 to 1952 & the U.S.

This content may collect you by Max Nolan

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